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RSS 2020, Spotlight Talk 27: A Berry Picking Robot With A Hybrid Soft-Rigid Arm: Design and Task ...
RSS 2020, Spotlight Talk 75: Quantile QT-Opt for Risk-Aware Vision-Based Robotic Grasping
RSS 2020, Spotlight Talk 3: Deep Visual Reasoning: Learning to Predict Action Sequences for Task ...
The RUTH Gripper - RSS 2020
RSS SSRL 2020, Spotlight Talk: Using Variational Encoding and Generative Adversarial Learning ...
RSS 2022 talk by Shikhar Bahl. WHIRL: Human-to-Robot Imitation in the Wild.
Arduino controlled 3-axis + claw robot cherry picking routine
Robotic Harvesting with multiple SCARA manipulators
Strawberry Harvesting Robot BERRY
Harvest Preview
RSS 2020, Spotlight Talk 18: Simultaneous Enhancement and Super-Resolution of Underwater Imagery ...
An autonomous GRAPES harvesting robot (Machine Learning Project)